Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Living the Dream

So, you know all those cliche movies you see that say the person is "living the dream?" Well, I always thought that was so silly cause every time we reach a goal or dream we get a new one. It is something that just makes us human and constantly gives us something to strive for. However, I realized today that I have been living my dream and I have not made up a new dream. I am living my dream. I am soaking it in every day and the unbelief still hits me every moment of every day.
I have not yet found the ocean common. I haven't taken my wonderful job for granted. I haven't hit culture shock (which supposedly is supposed to return every few months). I am not only contenct where I am but happy as well. I am being stretched, pulled, and at times broken, but nothing has made me regret moving here. In fact, I am elated with the direction that Dad took this season of my life. I am developping good friendships though I still miss those at home. I am learning to like new food even though I still have horrible cravings for American food (those are the days I go to McDonalds for dinner :P). Oh, and the best part is that I am getting enough sleep that I am not constatly zoning out because my extreme lack of sleep is making me unable to focus. Haha...
Oh, and for everyone's information, I have not found China Man or a boyfriend or whatever you want to call him. I'm waiting for Dad's timing on that and if he decides that is a never than...well, life has been an adventure up till now and not having a guy does not and will not "short change" me in any way. Ok, that's my guy rant...everyone keeps asking...I just thought I would let the rest of you curious people know too. :P
I love you all! Oh, just so you know, we had International Day this week. I put pictures up on Facebook, but I will try to post pictures on here a little later.

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